Oosterse therapeutische massages te Brugge

Tok-Sen Massage in Knokke

ideal for muscle or nerve pain, blockages, and it improves blood circulation

Tok-Sen massage was developed more than 5,000 years ago by Buddhist monks in northern Thailand and Myanmar (Burma).

“Tok” means hammering, and “Sen” refers to the body’s energy lines.

The energy lines in the body are worked through rhythmic tapping, using wooden tools.

Contrary to what you might think, this massage is also very relaxing.

This massage is ideal for muscle or nerve pain, blockages, and improves blood circulation.

0496 290 590

Booking is fastest by phone at the above number.

Booking via email or Facebook is also possible, but always book at least 2 days in advance.

If you wish to book via message: always provide preferred dates and times right away.

Tok-Sen massage is goed bij zenuwpijnen en blokkages

for one hour

We sometimes incorporate a few minutes of Tok-Sen massage into our other massages, if the masseur feels this would help you.

Video of a Tok-Sen massage

A small piece of the Tok-Sen Massage by our masseur.